
Yoga Nidra, $45

20 October 2024, time 1:00-3:00pm

Yoga Nidra is similar to meditation, but there are some key differences.  With Yoga Nidra the goal is to move into a deeper state of consciousness providing a tranquil state of relaxation with awareness - while meditation is focusing the mind and allowing thoughts to come and go without being attached to them.  Yoga Nidra is a practice that everyone can do, from young to mature, and only requires you to lie down and follow the voice guiding you.  This workshop will show you deep rest, relaxation, and nourishment; it will calm your nervous system leading to less stress and better health.  This is considered the easiest Yoga practice to develop and maintain, so don't miss this workshop!

We ask that you bring a light scarf or sleep mask for an eye covering during the workshop.

Past Workshops

Introduction to Yoga 3 February 2024

If you've never practiced before, if you're still a beginner, or if you haven't practiced in a while and want a refresher come join us in this beginner series!  In this  workshop we will discuss what Yoga is about and become familiar with the Yamas (how to relate to others) and Niyamas (how to relate to ourselves).  These principles of Yoga help purify the mind and body which steady our inner self and bring more peace to our lives.  This workshop will also give you a strong foundation of beginner poses and breathwork to build your future practice.

This may sound scary for some but the benefits of inversions in Yoga are numerous.  Inversions help improve circulation within our bodies, increase core strength, improve balance, and energize our physical and mental self.  There are modifications to all the poses, I will find what is right for you - so don't be scared!

Inversions 9 March 2024

Yoga for Low Back Pain 22 June 2024

More than 80 percent of Americans complain of back pain at some point in their lives. Lower back strength is paramount to overall physical health, meatal health, and fitness. The lower back muscles include your core, the stabilizer of the body. Every movement you make relies on these muscles, and how to utilize them properly.

This workshop will focus on poses and quick exercises that will strengthen, stretch and mobilize the areas connected to the spine to help relieve back pain and sciatica. This workshop is also about teaching you how to better protect your lower back and spine in every day life. If you suffer from lower back pain, this is the workshop for you.

Backbends 4 May 2024

Like inversions, don't be scared - the benefits are numerous!  Some such benefits are improvement with posture, help alleviate back and neck pain, decrease stress and anxiety, improve oxygen in our body, and stimulate the heart chakra which makes us more receptive to life and experiences. 

Also, like inversions there are modifications to all the poses, Addie will find what is right for you!

Yoga for Neck and Shoulders, $45

24 August 2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

There are plenty of factors for neck and shoulder pain, from medical conditions to lifestyle factors. But more often then not it comes from movement, or lack thereof, in your daily routine. Continually being in a certain position, like looking down at a phone or hunched over a computer at work, or repetitive movements with lack of mindfulness can affect your cervical spine’s natural curve.

Your shoulders are the body’s most mobile ball-and-socket joints. If not properly strengthened and protected, they can become unstable and lead to injury. Asana has been shown to improve chronic neck pain and help reduce stress/strain on the shoulders.

This workshop will teach you several stretches, exercises, and poses that can be done at home to help you improve posture, balance muscles, safely stretch neck and shoulder muscles, and release tension.